07.24.09 update
well, it's been about a week and 4 days or so back on the bike and i'm starting to turn the pedals over better every day as i can finally put in a good amount of hours in on a daily basis.
physical therapy started up as well for me and is going great. feels kind of odd to be in a gym working on the legs during july, but after weeks of sitting around, i was really just looking forward to doing some type of workout. i think the physical therapy people get a kick out of watching me do leg workouts for 2 hours.
are you tired yet? ah... no. ok - do another 4 sets.
so, instead of writing about heading out to nine mile, i am writing about leg press workouts and getting some juice shot through my knee. good luck to all who are racing..
but things are getting better everyday and i expect to do some road races in about 10 days. and maybe drop that guy that was riding around my neighborhood on an moped again.
and - pivot demo day in speedgoat's backyard coming up on august 8th. i'll be heading out to help out and will be the lead on some rides - or we could head out for some 30 minute hill efforts up linn runn. whichever you prefer.
sologoat out
great post up...
over at molly cameron blog, "training versus talent" - check it HERE.
molly is one of the top US cross riders - raced in a two man group with him a few years ago at cross vegas as he was taking sips from a can of pabst. during the race.
three laps later, so was i.
sologoat out
not too mucho going on these days, but offical rehab to compliment what i can do on my own starts up next week. in order to avoid jinxing myself, i prefer to not speak any more of when i can get back on the bike full time.
contemplating a full week training camp based out of the home and maybe a trip or two details are kind of open at the moment.
in the meantime, back to setting up the basement for the trainer - sucks to think i'll be riding stationary when it's 85 degrees out in ohio.
as the saying goes - whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.
sologoat out
070209 update
070209 LEG
Originally uploaded by solo_goat
still not much going on these days, busy with work, reading and getting stuff ready for some intensive rehab back on the bike. i keep hoping that tomorrow i will wake up and this nightmare will be over.
everyday it's getting better - got a ton of movement in the knee compared to just a week ago.
with june and some of july being a wash of no racing, i'll save up some cash and spend a little more time out west this year and stay at interbike for the full 3 days of the expo. and crossvegas is a must this year.
latest hobby for me lately is looking for new techo toys - latest one is the roku player which lets me stream my videos from netflix straight to my tv from my wireless setup. pretty sweet so far.
next up will more then likely be the western digital wd tv. hook it up like a vcr, then plug in your external hard drive with the video you loaded up from euro cross videos and ride away. looks like a pretty cool device.
and - other hobby is checking out the 2009/2010 cross bikes. i've been a fan of redline bikes and they have come up with some new paint and build ups for their 2010 Pro and Team models which are now running SRAM. what is looking suuuper hot is the new 2009 Ridley X Night and X Fire. very nice completes, also running SRAM, and the with the X Night running4RZA brakes and Alex Tubeless wheels.
also got a few new additions to the sologoat garage - most noteably, my custom vicious mootivator painted in speedgoat colors is back up for sale. check it out.
that's it - gotta rip some old radiohead singles, drink a beer, and dream of the day i get to ride all day.
sologoat out