
09.09.05 - more whistler pics - 03

09.09.05 - more whistler pics - 03
Originally uploaded by solo_goat.

a secret photo of my fueling strategy. hammer gel, hammer heed, sustained energy. endurolytes, mito-r, anti fatigue and race caps washed down with some red bull.

mmm, mmm, yummy.


Anonymous said...

I know you say that you use Sustained Energy but that looks like Perpetuem on the table to me! Do you use that or Sustained energy? Why one over the other?

I love Hammer products and have been using them all year on the road with great results.


Solo Goat said...

good catch ian - thanks for the recent posts.

it is actually sustained energy in a bottle originally used for perpetuem. i tried using their perpetuem but for some reason it did not agree with me. so when i used the bottle up, i just refilled it with SE. also made it easier to pack as those SE bottles are HUGE!