flight out was pretyy un-eventful. got in late yesterday.

ergon gloves in use - been using them since big bear. very thin padded gloves - worked out awesome. no blister issues at all.

got to the course pretty early - hardly any other riders were out.

course was super dry - won't need mud tires this time. very easy to wash out and overshoot the corners.

course markings in some places were not up yet - they were doign some logging in some sections. rumor is, the course may change due to some of it.

some new sections were in...

but for the most part, it's the same course - in some places re-routed to connect to old sections from last years course.

this section is the same as last year...

ah - the section where i spent standing for about an hour in the middle of the night in the pouring rain last night.

and more single track....

and more single track....

and some pine sections - reminds me a lot of the michigan 100 miler course.

what better way to end the ride?
also got to talk to nat ross and chris - chris will be riding the hard tail 69er and nat got a new 29er hardtail.
that's it - gotta rest up.
sologoat out
Thanks to Constantine who allowed Ernesto's Pit Crew to try his Segway! Now....the pit crew wants one!
Is that Segway sporting ergon grips??
Them things are everywhere!!!;-)
Yo ernesto .... grab a pic of that 69er and good luck tomorrow man. Is it all Carbon ? Over and Out ... Gorman.
yep - ergon grips on that segway. pretty sweet - everything is controlled by how you lean. lean forward you go forward - lean back, you go back.
69er - pretty sure it is aluminum. will get pics.
the fisher prototype is carbon - only two exist.
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