after a long day, felt good to land in san jose and make the trip out to monterey.
course is dry, rutted out and hard as cement.
solo rider count in now around 87 riders.
that's it for now - need to catch up on some rest... tomorrow, more pre-riding, need to pick up dan the man and need to find a higher speed internet connect to upload some of the picks i took today.
sologoat out
Looks like you are ready! 87 solo riders! Good luck and can't wait to see the pics. Hows the new course design?
course design is good, flows really good. soil is hard as a rock with the usual dusting of sand over top of it.
bad rutted areas and super sandy sections are very minimal - not bad at all considering the length.
lap times should be around an hour at the start - then out to 1:15'ish alter on. would expect night laps to have fast times too, since there is not any rocks/roots/trees to avoid.
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