sure tastes good. a little starbucks french roast this AM. i'm such a snob about my coffee, that i make a full pot of coffee in the morning and take it with me in thermos to work. clients classically have very bad tasting coffee, so bring your own.
which brings up my favorite coffee quote from my wobblenaught guru buddy jim:
'creamer makes a good coffee bad and a bad coffee good...'
'nuff said.
in other randomness, not mucho going on this weekend other then some decently long rides at a high pace. going to take a few weekends off from racing to catch up on some house type work and maybe start up some local mid-week road racing to bring up the leg speed.
then, at some point, hit up speedgoat to finally build up the moots cross frame... of which, some parts of the carbon variety showed up yesterday. hmmm.... i'm thinking the carbon spooky canti brakes may match up with the alpha q carbon very nicely...
with that, gotta load up the nano and get some miles in...
sologoat out
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